An update of the UK Government's sustainable development indicators
Indicators are integral to the communication of sustainable development. They help review progress, they highlight where the challenges are, and they help people to understand what sustainable development means globally, nationally, locally and for them as individuals.
A new set of national indicators were outlined in the UK Government Sustainable Development Strategy, Securing the future, launched by the Prime Minister in March 2005. A baseline assessment of all the indicators, for which data were available, was published in June 2005.
On 27 July 2007 an update of the national indicators was published both as a free pocket booklet Sustainable development indicators in your pocket 2007 and here on the sustainable development website.
Indicators at international, regional and local levels have also been established.
As well as raising awareness the indicators are crucial to policy monitoring and can be used both to monitor specific issues and to create overviews of progress for broad priority areas.
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